I went with K-lady to a small private farm for a school field trip a few weeks ago - it reminded me of home in so many good ways - trails through the forest, chickens, small orchard, gardens-gardens-gardens. It seemed so odd to me that this was such a new and strange experiences for these kids to see food that grows out of the ground! And eggs that come from a chicken! And tromping through the woods was definitely new.
We had chickens like these when I was a kid - we named them Paula Abdul and Janet Jackson. :) They just seemed so trendy w/ their black and white back in the early nineties! I guess some styles are timeless.
They let the chickens roam freely through the fenced orchard - natural bug repellent. (I didn't think to ask how they keep the predators away from the chickens.) The orchard was in full bloom - I felt like I stepped right into an L.M. Montgomery book. :) A gorgeous green house overflowing with foliage, and sweet little babies - calves, kittens, kids - all over the place. That rooster was a hoot - what a poser! (or does that make him a cock? Is that too PG for this blog?)
K-lady was great - she let me take as many pictures as I wanted. :)
Am I the only one who pines (along somewhat romantic lines) for a sweet little spot of earth far away from the pavement?