Sunday, September 30, 2012

School Days

School started too early this year!  The kids started school while I was filling in at Joseph's office so it was a crazy time.  I have nothing but utmost respect for working mothers - that is one hard lifestyle!!!  I'm grateful I get to be a stay-at-home-mom most of the time.  It's so good to be there to drop off and pick up and run around, but most importantly BE HOME with them.  
So here they are - squinting into the early morning light with rather unflattering pictures, but I did actually take them on the first day of school!!!  
Yow!  How did I get a FOURTH grader??!!
 Do you like J-boy's Christmas green-and-red socks with his sandals??  He's always had his own sense of style....
 Little Girly-A is doing preschool at a sweet local Christian church MWF for 3 hours in the morning.  She's loving it.  We got out K-lady's 4T clothes that had been in storage for 5 years, and seeing Girly-A wear K-lady's clothes to preschool (the same ones K-lady wore to her preschool!) is sending me into crazy flashbacks.  I thought K-lady was such a big girl when she was 4 going to preschool (probably because I had a 2 year old and was pregnant at the time...).  But Girly-A is such a little half-pint to me.  Makes me think that maybe I've been making K-lady grow up way faster than she needed to.  Time to slow that down for sure!!!  
 Grandpa and Grandma L made the 2-hour-one-way drive to go to the kids school for Grandparents Day.

We all did little art projects and ice cream the school supplied.  It was a smashing success.
 J-boy had specifically requested that they bring him some goat milk - he was terribly pleased that they remembered!  We had strawberry- and chocolate-flavored goat milk for a snack as soon as we got home, then sent Grandma and Grandpa on their way back home - they had to get home and milk those goats again!!  :) 


bbfamwagon said...

I'm so jealous that Bob and Lois got to be there for grandparents day!! Not that I begrudge them -- I just wish we could have been there too -- for twice as long! (Sort of the way Dad gets around coveting -- "I wish I had that truck and he had a nicer one!") Anyway, it's a good thing we've seen lots of each other in recent months and I'm determined to squeeze one more trip in there before the end of the year! Love you all!

heather said...

Hooray!! What darling kids and beautiful pictures. Oh I'm so lucky to be a part of their lives, even if it is a small part!

TheSchmierneys said...

how did they get so BIG!!! A Lady looks so grown up! :)

Angela said...

Cute pics Tara! I know we just saw them but I sure miss seeing your kids! I love seeing Bailey and Matty loving and admiring their cousins!