Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Thank Heavens for Grace...

I've seen this a couple times over the last few months, and I just love it. I love the music - I've been thinking alot about how to learn about Christ, to focus more on Christ, and become more like Him. I know we're usually our own worst critics, but I've been feeling particularly inadequate and unsuccessful lately. I keep remembering wise words from one of the wonderful women in my congregation at church -- to paraphrase, "If you feel like you aren't enough, like you can't do enough or be enough, it's okay, because it's true. That is why we have the Savior. It is only with Him that we are enough, that we can do enough, that we can be enough." I love the words, "Oh, to Grace how great a debtor daily I'm constrained to be. Let Thy Goodness, like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to thee. Prone to wander - Lord, I feel it! Prone to leave the God I love.... Here's my heart -- oh take and seal it for thy courts above."

I love that the images in this slideshow are photographs -- so real. It reminds me that He really lived, and still lives today. It reminds me that His miracles are real, and were not just for the past, but are also for my present.

Now if I can just remember that the next time I break up a fight between my kids or the next time I have to tell them 5 (or 10 or 20) times before they obey or the next time I clean up the spilled juice/milk/vegetables/main dish off the floor after another unsuccessful attempt to get my three year old to EAT HIS DINNER. :)

Thank Heavens for GRACE!


heather said...

Thank you for sharing Tara. This was incredibly beautiful, and the timing of it couldn't be better. I needed that. Love you.

Sheffer's said...

I'm a little obsessed with this whole project. They actually just released the music on cd and a book of all the photographs. I saw it at Deseret Book. It was truly inspired. Have you ever watched the video of the composer talking about writing the theme? It makes me bawl every time I see it, the spirit is so strong.

Dave said...

I've never seen that before. Wow. That hymn means a lot to me and I've never heard that arrangement before. Thank you.

Stephanie & Brad Bishop said...

Carson and Jessie watched this with me and haven't been that quiet and still for hours! What touching words, music and song! You are one of the most Christ-like servants I know and a wonderful example of a loving, young mother.