Sunday, January 24, 2010


I'm feeling like a bit of navel-gazing is required today - today I am thirty (I hate that I cringe when I say that, but I just did). And in an effort to be positive about such introspection, I decided to make a list. Not things that I need to do (there are certainly more than 30 of those), and not things I'd like to change about myself (more than 30 of those, too), but 30 things for which to be grateful.
1. answered prayers (most recently the hymns in Sacrament Meeting this morning - the Sacrament hymn said, "Holy day, devoid of strife" - HA! I had to laugh - it was only 9:15am and I'd had strife enough! But then we ended with "Where Can I Turn for Peace." My own little tender mercy.)
2. a good husband who works hard for our family - and does a very good job of it.
3. safe, warm, comfortable, clean(ish) home

4. healthy children
5. beautiful things all around me
6. a camera to take pictures of said beautiful things (and being content with my camera) :)
7. The hustle and bustle of December, followed by the quiet instropection of January
8. A sweet baby who loves me (even if she'll only say Da Da and not Ma Ma)
9. twinkle lights (in January)

10. Snow Days

11. Two cars that are more (or less?) reliable!

12. rain on melancholy days - when heaven acknowledges your frustration
13. being a stay-at-home mom - hardest and best thing I've ever done
14. eating cold cereal for lunch

15. playing with my kids

16. rocking and singing to my baby before bed time
17. freshly bathed children, ready for bed
18. bedtime (for the kids, for me!)
19. a mantle and a fireplace - we probably won't ever burn a fire in there, but it sure is fun to decorate!

20. teaching myself this piece- cheaper and probably more effective than counseling :)

That just makes me smile.

21. wonderful parents who love and sacrifice and give endlessly
22. fabulous siblings (and their families) that make me laugh and love
23. great in-laws that teach and encourage

24. Knowledge - why I'm here and what I'm doing and how to do it.
25. a basement = room for my crafty stuff!
26. an uncertain future that keeps me humble and prayerful
27. the gospel and organization of the church - my built-in family, no matter how far I am from home.
28. the chance to choose (specifically: choose faith and family and friends)
29. others who love and teach and care for my children. 
30. technology in my life (from the computer to the sewing machine to the stone-age cell phone (5+ years old!))
30. a charmed life - trials, heartache, hard days, yes, but the good makes up for it
30. optimism
30. being a citizen of the United States.
30. YOU :)  I'm so thankful for friends and family that make my life so beautiful and rich and fun.  Thanks for your comments, too - I love them.  You are a blessing to me! 

(I love having my head full of blessings.  I certainly have more than 30 of them, too!)
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Christal said...

Happy Birthday, my dear friend! (hearts) You are so wonderful and you really do lead a charmed/blessed life, and you know where those blessings come from!! :) (I love all you share! I can esp. identify with the uncertain future keeping (us) prayerful and humble!) I love you and I am thankful for all you are! :)

Lu said...

First of all, Happy 30th you youngin! I can say that cuz I am a leetle bit older:] I too love reading all about your life, family and blessings. Just remember that for all of the things that you are grateful for, there are many who are grateful for you. . . even if you are an old 30 year old lady:]

kristi said...

Happy, Happy birthday! You are only thirty. Lucky. I am so grateful for your wonderful example and friendship. I love your family and I am so sad that we have to part ways this summer. Have a wonderful day!

KT said...

Happy Birthday! I hope your birthday has been fabulous! You are a blessing to the world wherever you end up. Your list is beautiful. We miss you! You are awesome!

ps - Watched your video in primary today. Wow. Touching and teaching. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts across the miles.

bbfamwagon said...

Happy Birthday, my dear Tara. Your list makes me laugh and cry. Were I to make such a list of my blessings, you and your siblings would be right there at the top. I love you. P.S. I can't wait to hear the Rachmaninov!

Dave said...

I'm just writing to confirm that once you hit 30, it's pretty much all downhill from there... which makes life much more meaningful when you live near skiable mountains instead of near the Jersey shore. You know I'm kidding (just about the being old part), we love you, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Rachel said...

Happy Birthday Tara! It would seem whoever wrote that hymn never had to get kids ready for 9am church...

Missy said...

Happy Birthday! I'll be the big three-zero this year too. You do have lots to celebrate too. I'm not there with you on the snow days one though. :)

heather said...

What a perfect post! I love having that gratitude feeling in my heart - and I had that at the end of the day yesterday! Thank you for sharing your birthday with us! It was a gift to me! :)

Angela said...

I'm glad you acknowledged your gratitude to be a US citizen. For those who aren't it's expensive, a big hassle and it takes forever! =)

Happy Birthday Tara. You are so wonderful and I'm grateful you are my sister too. Love ya!

Patty said...

The 30s are awesome--wiser, still young, and didn't you know that 40 is the new 20? Which means you and I get to repeat the 30s again!

Angie said...

Happy Birthday! I forget what an amazing pianist you are. Can you post a clip of you playing it? Do you flip your hair like that guy when you play the song?
Your kids will grow up saying...Mom's letting off some steam, she's playing Rachmaninov again...shshhh...don't bother her.

30 is great. It's nice to feel wiser, if it's not nice to feel older. I know I sure feel wiser. Many people are in the height of their physical fitness in their 30s, too. At least Rob says that the top marathon runners in the world are usually in their 30s.

Katie said...

Happy belated birthday. I've been thinking about you a lot lately and I loved seeing your list.