Monday, December 14, 2009

The Truth about Santa

Warning -- this post contains spoilers! (Or maybe not!)

I was getting worried about J-boy's understanding of reality. He's told me several times that I am not really in charge -- Santa and Jesus are in charge. And he's pretty preoccupied about Santa and reindeer and chimneys and stockings and presents and presents and presents and presents.

Now I'm not trying to be a scrooge, and you may disagree with me, but I don't think Santa and Jesus should warrant the same amount of faith. Santa's fine and dandy and fun, but Jesus is real. So I talked to Joseph about it, and decided it was time to break the news. Joseph actually told K-lady a few years ago the truth about Santa (she asked, and he was on the spot, and I was rather annoyed with him at the time, but since then I've come to appreciate his candor and honesty). I really want Christmas to be about Christ, not Santa.

So I sat down with J-boy the other morning and told him that Christmas isn't about Santa, it's about Jesus. We get presents because it's Jesus' birthday, and he got presents, too - remember the 3 wise men?? And we can even have a birthday cake for Jesus on Christmas day. And Santa was actually a sweet old man named St. Nicholas that liked to give presents, and sometimes people remember and celebrate him. But Santa Claus from the North pole is just pretend. We can pretend about Santa, but Jesus is real.

After my big long shpiel, I waited anxiously for J-boy's response - was he going to cry? Was he going to understand?

J-boy scoffed at me (did you know 4 year old's are excellent scoffers?). "No, mom, Santa is real. Santa AND Jesus are real. They are the boss. But we can talk about Jesus if you want to."

I tried. Maybe we'll try again next year. :)
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heather said...

Are you serious?! I laughed OUT LOUD reading this. I love J-boy. He cracks me up!! And I love your ideas and example too ... L is still a little young for reality, but maybe in a few years I'll follow in your footsteps. Love you!

Unknown said...

Haha - I teach first grade (6-7 year olds) and there is not a single one in my class that doubts Santa's existence. They classify books about him as non-fiction. So I think you still got a couple years :)

Dave said...

Nice! We sure miss you guys already. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas in, sniff, sniff, Kansas...

bbfamwagon said...

I'll never forget being pinned by Dave with that question when he was 6 or 7: Is Santa real? I told him (gasp) the truth, had a nice discussion about the spirit of Santa and giving, and asked that he not feel compelled to tell other children and burst their bubble. Then the next question: Is Jesus real?

I never felt inclined to make too big a deal out of Santa after that conversation! Love you all!

Andrea said...

Nice Try. I love your new family photos. Your hair is getting so long. I am so jealous.

The Dooley Family said...

Haha love this kid! Only he would react to breaking the news like that! Love it!!

Katie said...

Oh, this is fabulous... and reminds me that David T's mom used to write "from Santa and baby Jesus" on all of his presents at Christmastime.


Patty said...

Funny. He just wants to keep on believin for now.