Saturday, March 29, 2008

Spring time!!

I can't believe it's the end of March already - time is flying by.
We've been busy with the usual - my endless projects (finally finished my taxes!!!!, a sewing project I began over a month ago, new pictures for the walls in my room, organizing and re-organizing closets, etc), Joseph enjoyed a rural rotation (pediatric clinic in a Winnebago, anyone?) and a Spring break (working on HIS projects - car maintenance, cleaning the storage shed, studying school work, fishing and playing with the kids, camping with scouts, basketball with buddies, etc). K had Spring Break the week before Joseph and is now back into the swing of piano and preschool, and J-boy just goes with the flow.

These pictures are from a Sunday afternoon trip to the park at the beginning of the month - still chilly, but SO good to be outside in the sun. Oh, and I had to add one Joseph took of J-boy cleaning his room. Anyway, pretty normal stuff -- just truckin' along.

1 comment:

Missy said...

LOVE the picture of the kids laying on the (brown) grass?! And the one of K in the playhouse or something. Fun, vibrant pictures!