A few weeks before the move, the city in which we live had their big Spring-cleaning-large-item-pick-up day -- my friend Heidi and I lovingly refer to this event as 'Bulky Trash.' The garbage company goes through half of the city, alternating every other year, and you can dump whatever you want on the curb, and they pick it up early Saturday morning. So Friday night, the race is on to find the best trash. :) We find all kinds of stuff -- tables, chairs, dressers, baby gear (plenty of strollers!), bikes, etc.
This year we found an enormous frame, about 7 feet long, still in it's packaging. No back or glass or anything, just the frame itself. Heidi kept it in her garage for me till after we moved, and then it was time to figure out what to do with it! So I skimmed through all my pictures (the family shot is from Jared and Deb's camera, and the temple picture came from Mindy -- thanks!!!), took the kids out for a mini-photo shoot ("Hey, kids, get some clothes on, I need a picture of the two of you where you're clean and don't have a bucket on your heads"), and did a little photoshop editing. I bought hardboard at Home Depot to mount the pictures on, got a little creative with hanging hardware, and one woman's trash became another woman's treasure. :)